Impact of Digital Technology in Banking

- Χρηματοοικ. Ασφαλιστικά Τραπεζικά

01 Δεκ 2020 09:00 02 Δεκ 2020 12:15 OnLine Virtual Classroom
7 ώρες ( 1 ημέρα )
Impact of Digital Technology in Banking


We live in an everchanging business environment where the digital world and it’s constant development across numerous areas of business has had, and will continue to have an enormous  impact.  This is especially true of the Banking sector and the way it operates across a large spectrum of areas, including customers, personnel, new initiatives, products, projects, systems and social media.

Banking professionals who are involved in the changing digital marketplace need to have a high level of understanding of what it actually means to be digital. Particularly, those who are involved in changing banking models, innovation, technology, regulation in retail and commercial banking, cyber-security and social media, just to mention a few vital areas, must have the relevant and updated knowhow to help their organisations move forward in this increasingly competitive environment.


By the end of the programme the participants will be able to:

  • Develop an understanding of what it means to be digital – or are you just digitising a process?
  • Improve your understanding of digital banking strategies, business models, technologies and ‘outside-in’ customer approaches
  • Better understand the digital banking landscape
  • Compare and contrast dominant players, strategies, drivers for success and barriers to entry
  • Consider frameworks for embedding digital across customer touch points
  • Understand digital banking strategies to develop new ideas for cultivating customer-centricity
  • Discover the ‘perfect storm’ that gave rise to digital and challenger banks
  • Explore the threats from potential and actual non-bank disruptive entrants
  • Examine your competitive digital landscape
  • Develop your understanding of improved performance through digital
  • Consider frameworks for embedding digital across customer touch points
  • Assess digital impacts on workforce communication and collaboration
  • Explore and consider solutions to growing threats and spiralling costs of security breaches, cyber fraud and identity theft.


Executives and Banking Managers and Leaders working in, responsible for, or interested in changing banking models, innovation, the impact of technology and regulation in retail and commercial banking, and who lead change in these areas.



Training Outline
The New Banking Market
  • Digital Banking Market Place – Drivers of change
  • Traditional Banking to Digital Banking – the issues of Legacy Systems and Culture
  • New Digital Banks – Specialist, Challenger or Neo Bank?
  • The threats from Big Tech and others
  • Traditional and Digital Business Models in banking
  • Channels to market – Omni Channel, Multi-channel, or no channel?
Implementing Digital Strategies
  • Cost Implication for existing banking and new architecture
  • Universal banking and new technology
  • Technology – Buy, Build or License?
  • Creating the Marketplace
  • Open Banking: Advantages and Disadvantages
Marketing & Digital Banking
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Impacts on Customer Acquisition
  • The Impact and influence of Social Media
  • Measure what matters
Risk & Regulation
  • Regulation impact on Digital Banking
  • Managing Operations & Operational Risk
  • Staying Safe: Cyber Risk
  • Global Regulation Differences – some Digital Banks Abroad
The Human factor
  • Talent – How to identify your needs
  • How to make the learning and changes work in your organisation

Training Style
This course will be highly participative.  The course leader will present, guide, and facilitate the learning, using a range of methods including discussions, video, case studies and exercises. Where appropriate, these will include real issues brought to the course by the participants.

CPD Recognition
This programme may be approved for up to 7 CPD units in HR, Leadership, Management and Professional Development. Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by your association, regulator or other bodies which you hold membership.
Professionals requiring CPD units to meet the education requirements for an occupational licence renewal, and/or for maintaining other professional memberships/certifications which accept CPD in HR, Leadership, Management and Professional Development, are advised to consider training subjects in categories that indicate CPD training in HR, Leadership, Management, Personal and Professional Skills.

Phil Ingle
Phil Ingle has more than 30 years’ experience of training and presenting, including a long career in retail banking management. A Fellow of the Professional Speaking Association and holding an MBA in addition to a Master NLP Practitioner, he is well regarded as being human, dynamic and fun. This training has been delivered in 25 countries across Europe and the Middle East, with clients in at least 150 organisations, including 8 insurance companies, 7 banks, 5 energy services companies, plus hotels, automotive companies, retailers, agriculture, charities and public sector organisations.
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
  • € 220.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 41.80
  • € 220.00
  • € 261.80

Τρίτη - 01 Δεκ 2020


09:00 - 12:15


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Τετάρτη - 02 Δεκ 2020


09:00 - 12:15


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Impact of Digital Technology in Banking

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